Featured Releases: Late Arcane - Extravagance & Wizard of Loneliness - Beats of the Kingdom (Ep. 11)

We mentioned a ton of releases from October 2023 in our most recent episode and did a review of the new album “Extravagance” by Late Arcane + shouted out the Wizard of Loneliness's new album!

Featured Releases: Late Arcane - Extravagance & Wizard of Loneliness - Beats of the Kingdom (Ep. 11)

We mentioned a ton of releases from October 2023 in our most recent episode and did a review of the new album “Extravagance” by Late Arcane (released by Business Casual).

I also wanted to give a shout out to a release we mentioned by Wizard of Loneliness called “Beats Of The Kingdom” (which I most enjoy called Beats For The.. on the pod)

You can hear the full review of the Late Arcane album by heading over the page for Episode 11!