Vapor History: Ailanthus Recordings (Early Releases, September 2011)
The early internet music label Ailanthus Recordings was founded by Scott Michael back in 2011. The label's first two releases capture the two sides of underground music that have converged throughout the course of vaporwave..

The iconic early internet music label Ailanthus Recordings was founded by Scott Michael back in 2011. While it later became crucial label to the development of the vaporwave scene and experimental sounds of it's early days, the label's first two releases capture the two sides of underground music that have converged throughout the course of the genre. These sides of underground music, IRL and online, were exploring the newfound independence of blogs, file lockers (free downloads inside..) and videos for sharing music and connecting on social media platforms like Myspace, LastFM, TurntableFM, and Facebook
The label emerged out of the stew of newbreed, second internet and a whole bunch of other microgenres. This “hub of fresh ideas” where “everything getting thrown at the wall” was full of fusions, throwbacks and a hybridization of different styles of electronic, noise, ambient and lofi music- including guitar music and bands. A lot of old media and images from the past were being repurposed as a new era of retromania in indie, underground, and eventually, mainstream music permeated culture in the early 2010s.
We got two early releases from the label for you to check out! The first one, Browser by Good Amount is a more minimalist ambient and noise record with short tracks titled after various internet browsers. Plus an iconic early vaporwave release by Lasership Stereo, the Soft Season EP.
The label would also go on to release crucial releases from folks like Internet Club, luxury elite, 회사AUTO, Lindsheaven Virtual Plaza (RIP), deaths dynamic shroud, 2814, Donovan Hikaru, Cat System Corp and many more including his own projects NYKDLN, ADHD NFL Blitz and New Figure Variety… so check out the Ailanthus Bandcamp and find something unique today!
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